Beware of Fraud and Corruption in Santa Clara County, California Courts. Malicious Prosecution and Fabrication of Evidence is common with the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Office. Deputy District Attorney James Leonard issues Fraudulent Restraining Orders which have no merit. These Fraudulent restraining orders are to harass crime victims and dissuade witnesses from judicial corruption, police and prosecutorial misconduct.
Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney James Leonard Fabricates Evidence to facilitate malicious prosecution. Fabricated Evidence is fictitious testimony or documents offered to a court or jury in order to mislead them. Fabricating evidence involves arranging or manufacturing circumstances or indica, after the act is committed with the intention to use them as evidence and make it appear accidental. Such evidence may be wholly forged and artificial, or it may consist in so warping and distorting real facts to create an impression in the minds of those who observe them as true and genuine.
Bad attorneys such as James Leonard Lie, Cheat and Steal. James Leornard is a parasite commits fraud against the People of Santa Clara County California. James Leonard's Fraud is financed by Santa Clara County Tax Dollars. This funding is meant to keep the community safe - not to defraud the public or to place citizens in danger.